The chilled whole chicken, with giblets, are individually packed in sealed polyethylene bags, placed inside of cardboard cartons for the domestic market. These chickens are obtained from our process line that is fully controlled by Granja Tres Arroyos ( from grandparents farms to broilers farms, hatchery plants and own mills and feeding plants). The chickens are slaughtered in 6 plants that do not have any significant variation in the environmental impact.
Chickens are fed with cereals grown in locations close to the mills, as well as the farms close to the mills. The slaughtering plants are located in different places, avoiding long distances to the selling points. Moreover, the transformation of birds in the slaughtering plants into products for human consumption, ingredients for pet food, and energy from effluents, avoids waste that increases environmental impacts.
The final products meet the requirements of local authorities and the specifications of our clients.
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